Money Sucks! Money Strategies for Real Life, the cutest personal finance book you’ve ever seen, has recently released the 2nd Edition, chock full of updated information and adding an information glossary. 1st Edition created a stir among adults who immediately bought numerous copies to give to children, nieces, nephews, new high school grads, and college kids off to school.
Published in 2006, Money Sucks! Money Strategies for Real Life quickly made a name for itself as an easy way of transmitting basic financial information on how to manage money to young adults. Each chapter includes a light-hearted one-panel cartoon that gives a little lift of humor. The overall feeling of the book is that financial information isn’t that scary, and you really can manage your money successfully. But, yup, it takes some work to do it (and that sucks).
Topics include areas such as: how to create a budget, how to fill out a W-4 IRS form, how to balance a checkbook, how to successfully manage credit cards, and techniques to keep your identity as safe as reasonably possible.
Whether your child was lucky enough to learn these tasks at school or not, Money Sucks! Money Strategies for Real Life is available to give basic instruction in this most important life skill. Accessible, easy-to-read, and fun for young adults, the large font, white space between paragraphs, and short chapters entice the reader to give it a try. While there are many thick volumes on this topic with wonderful information, Money Sucks! Money Strategies for Real Life boils down to these essential elements. For more information on this outstanding book, visit the publisher’s web site at