Book Publishers Northwest is offering you the opportunity to sell your books at the Business of Books conference. We will have a table of books set up where participants at the conference can buy books. Here is how you can sell your book there:
1. Be registered for the conference AND be a BPNW member for 2007 or 2008 (you can buy a membership there).
2. Send the name of the book, the author’s name, and the price of the book to tom@Idyllarbor.com by September 4.
3. Bring copies of the book with you to the conference. Two or three books should be enough. You’re carrying them, though, so you can bring more.
4. Pick up books that are left after the conference. We don’t have a place to store them for later pickup.
It’s that simple. We will sell the books, keep track of the sales, and mail you a check about a week after the conference. It would be sooner but I’m leaving for another conference the night of the BPNW conference.
We’re taking a 40% discount on the sale price, the same as a bookstore discount, and using the proceeds for future BPNW educational programs.
If you have any questions, please email me at tom@idyllarbor.com or give me a call (360-825-7797).
Tom Blaschko
BPNW Treasurer
Idyll Arbor