A 2009 membership in Book Publishers Northwest costs $50. But upon receipt of your payment, we will send you a $30 coupon for the Independent Book Publishers Association. This coupon can be used for an IBPA membership or selected services.
BPNW members can attend regular meetings at the Good Shepherd Center in Seattle for free. They can also bring members of their company for free. They receive listings in directory. Special offers for publishers as available. And a network of like-minded people to ask about the business!
To join Book Publishers Northwest for 2009, mail $50 to:
Book Publishers Northwest
Attn: 2009 Membership
PO Box 9535
Seattle WA 98109
Please include the following information with payment:
Business Name
Type of business: Publisher or Service for Publishers
Contact Name
Mailing address
Contact e-mail
Please indicate if this information can be published in the membership directory and include a one-paragraph description of the business.
Checks should be made out to Book Publishers Northwest.