Is it cheaper to print in the United States, Canada, or Asia? Learn how the decision depends on the job and the best ways to save money on a project. Representatives from Amica (with printing plants in Asia) and Richard Thomas of Hemlock (based in Canada) discuss how to handle international printing projects with local book publishers.
The meeting takes place on May 18 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside N., Room 221. For more information, see or e-mail (voice mail # 941-6514).
This session is FREE for 2006 BPNW Members (membership is counted by company so more than one person from a company is welcome to attend for free). Nonmembers are welcome. There will be a nonmember fee of $15 per person for this session.
CALL FOR BOOKS: Have you printed a project outside the United States in the last year? Bring your book to this meeting and share your story. A display of books printed outside the United States will be set up for this meeting.