Thursday, January 26, 2006

Edible Book Festival Needs Volunteers

The Second Annual Seattle Edible Book Festival will be held on April 1 atanew location: 826 Seattle, 414 Greenwood Avenue North.

Following on the success of the 2005 "Cook the Books," the Edible Book Festival is currently searching for donations and volunteers. Top on their wish list is:

  • An inexpensive printer for a flyer
  • Volunteers to help distribute the flyer
  • Volunteer photographers for the event
  • Help with publicity
  • Lots of entries*

To contact the Seattle organizers of the Edible Book Festival, e-mail or check out To learn more about the international movement in edible book arts, check out the website:

*If you decide to turn one of your publications into an edible entry, please send a description or photo to BPNW News. We’d love to show it off!