Saturday, July 01, 2006

Revised Meeting Schedule

This meeting schedule replaces the schedule previously announced in the June issue of the BPNW News. If you have any questions, please contact

2006 Meeting Schedule: July through December

July 2006
No Meeting

August 14 2006
BPNW Barbecue in Bellevue
Barbecue is a members only event.

September 21, 2006
Tradeshow Training
Good Shepherd Center, Seattle, WA

October 12-14, 2006
Pacific Northwest Bookseller’s Trade Show
Portland, Oregon
Display limited to member books.

October 19, 2006
On Air: Improving Interview Style
Good Shepherd Center, Seattle WA

November 16, 2006
High Quality Low Print Runs,
Good Shepherd Center, Seattle, WA

December 2006
Books & Bubbly, Annual Celebration
Members only event, time and location TBA.