Monday, March 20, 2006

Horowitz Calls PNBA Spring Trade Show
"A Smashing Success"

I sold three books at the PNBA publishers' trade show, and I consider my day there a smashing success.

No, I am not delusional. I also met owners of five bookstores who told me that they would be delighted to host me for an author reading. Another bookstore owner for whose store I have read before invited me back to read. These connections will make for a phenomenal autumn tour and probably many future readings, and book sales, over the years. I am thrilled!

I also had numerous excellent conversations with bookstore owners, authors, and fellow publishers. Some took a Rose Alley Press brochure and promised to consider ordering one or more of our titles through a wholesaler. Others praised the beauty of our books and the eloquence of their poetry. Again, I am thrilled!

Moreover, I promised an author with whom I will read in The Dalles this April that I would help him research a publishing niche in which he maintains special interest. At the trade show I discovered a publisher in Montana that might help him enormously. I can at least offer contact information and a recommendation. I feel triply thrilled!

Last, each sale of a book was accompanied by a thoughtful, provocative conversation. We traded ideas, not simply books and cash.

At this year's Spring PNBA Trade Show, I developed and deepened social connections, initiated relationships with owners of venues previously unknown to me, exchanged provocative ideas, and learned ever more about the changing landscape of Pacific Northwest publishing and bookselling. Yes, that is a success.

David D. Horowitz
President, Rose Alley Press